
Safety priority – First aid training for OW employees

Bezpieczeństwo pracowników to fundament każdej odpowiedzialnej organizacji. W dążeniu do zapewnienia najwyższych standardów ochrony zdrowia i życia naszych pracowników, regularnie przeprowadzamy szkolenia z udzielania pierwszej pomocy. Wierzymy, że dobrze przeszkolony personel może szybko i skutecznie reagować w sytuacjach kryzysowych, co może znacząco wpłynąć na ratowanie życia.

First First aid training at Ocean Winds is held periodically, every year, to maintain and improve the skills of our employees. These workshops are always comprehensive and practical.aid training at Ocean Winds is held periodically, every year, to maintain and improve the skills of our employees. These workshops are always comprehensive and practical.

During the training, the basic principles of first aid were recalled, and intensive CPR exercises were conducted using phantoms. This part of the training enabled our employees to practically master rescue techniques, which can prove crucial in life-threatening emergencies.

The simulations of various emergency situations, such as sudden cardiac arrest, a fall from height or a traffic accident, were also an extremely valuable part of the training. During these simulations, our employees had the opportunity to practice their skills in realistic scenarios, which allowed them to better understand rescue procedures and react faster in real situations.

The training was conducted for us by the Rescue Center.



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